Out Story

The Beginning…

At AssistFlex, we understand that in today’s fast-paced business landscape, time is of the essence. That’s why we are dedicated to providing top-notch outsourcing virtual assistant services that allow you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business. Our journey began with the visionary leadership of our Managing Director, Henry Villacampa who founded Make CRM Easier Solutions on year 2016. As the demand for efficient virtual assistant teams grew, we saw an opportunity to expand our horizons and thus, AssistFlex was created.

Our Mission

Our mission is to streamline business operations and accelerate growth for our clients through personalized, cost-effective outsourcing solutions, driven by our dedicated team of experts.”

Our Vission

Our vision is to become the most trusted and sought-after outsourcing partner, known for our unwavering commitment to client success, innovation, and transformative impact on businesses across diverse industries

Experienced Minds, New Approach

While AssistFlex may be a newly established name in the outsourcing realm, our roots run deep in the realm of virtual assistance. With the legacy of Make CRM Easier Solutions, we bring a wealth of experience in crafting effective solutions that cater to businesses’ unique needs. Our transition to outsourcing was a natural progression, fueled by our desire to extend our expertise to a wider audience.

Reasons to choose us

1. Expertise

Our team comprises professionals with years of experience in their respective fields, ensuring top-quality solutions tailored to your business requirements.

2. Flexibility

We understand that every business is unique, and our services are designed to adapt and evolve with your changing needs.

3. Savings

Outsourcing with AssistFlex allows you to save on operational costs while maintaining high service standards.

4. Support

Our customer-centric approach means that you will always receive personalized attention and prompt assistance whenever you need it.

5. Privacy

We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your data, implementing robust measures to safeguard your sensitive information.

6. Customized Solutions

We believe that one size doesn’t fit all. Whether you need administrative support, customer service, social media management, or any other task, we’ll create a customized solution that aligns with your goals.

Some of our clients